Trixie Roth

San Diego Comic Fest 2020 guest Trixie Roth wife of the late Ed Big Daddy Roth of Rat Fink fame
Trixie Roth is the wife of the late, great Ed “Big Daddy” Roth, artist, cartoonist, illustrator, and custom car designer and builder who probably was best known for his creation Rat Fink.

The Ed Roth Museum is located in Manti, Utah. There you can see his last car built, “Stealth”, the 3 wheeler he was building and his famous Rat Fink Mobile ’63.

Trixie attends car shows throughout the world sharing Big Daddy’s creations. She also oversees the official web site and online Ed Roth Museum.

Trixie will speak on the legacy of “Big Daddy” Roth and will be exhibiting at Comic Fest.