William Wall

San Diego Comic Fest Guest for Zero Film William WallAward-winning Director William Wall has just begun to make his unique mark in cinema. Accolades include Best Director, Best Editor and Best Sound Design as well as Best Film honors for his debut feature film The Immortal Edward Lumley (2013) and short films Zero (2014) and The Wheeler of Oz (2010) from the LA Fear & Fantasy Film Festival, San Diego Film Awards, California Film Awards, Phoenix Comic Con and Louisville Film Festival. Additionally, short film Android 413 (2010), directed and produced by William Wall and production house Metro City Films, was honored by the San Diego Comic Con in 2011. Bringing stunning and sometimes surreal imagery to his well-crafted stories, he employs filmmaking techniques pioneered decades earlier, but with a singular result that is incredibly modern. William currently resides in San Diego with his wife, son and a myriad of rescue pets.

Williams latest film project is the feature Zero: Dawn of the Darklighters, which is based on his award-winning short film Zero.